hara dena example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word hara dena usage in english sentences. The examples of hara dena are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., nose, trounce, lick, outplay, rout, down, floor.

In train, Tushar had managed to squeeze into the window seat, his nose glued to the glass pane.रेल में तुषार को खिड़की वाली सीट मिल गई, जहाँ से वह बाहर का नज़ारा देखने में मग्न हो गया|

, cutting down cost but not achieving the target production.
There are several associations of practising managers in India, like the AIMA (All India Management Association) that has laid down a code of conduct to regulate the activities of their members.
We can also observe that the employment level in different production units also goes up or down together.
Particularly, when these attributes start changing fast, like when prices are going up (in what is called an inflation), or employment and production levels are going down (heading for a depression), the general directions of the movements of these variables for all the individual commodities are usually of the same kind as are seen for the aggregates for the economy as a whole.
Hamel walking up and down with his terrible iron ruler under his arm.
He wandered for seven years and finally sat down under a fig tree, where he vowed to stay until enlightenment came.
Kavita and Sujata were enjoying going up and down in the lift.
Biotic and abiotic resistance: Crops production can go down due to biotic (diseases, insects and nematodes) and abiotic (drought, salinity, water logging, heat, cold and frost) stresses under different situations.
You can also use a diary to note down things you plan to do immediately or in future.
संबंधित शब्द हरा देना के पर्यायवाची हरा देना के विपरीत शब्द

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